meetings, but we don t really get to see what s meetings, but we don t really get to see what s said behind closed doors. the beauties of these g7 s are, they the beauties of these g7 s are, they are the beauties of these g7 s are, they are quite small. you just have seven they are quite small. you just have seven leaders in a room together, so they are seven leaders in a room together, so they are able seven leaders in a room together, so they are able to have proper conversations, in depth conversations, in depth conversations and negotiations. it s not conversations and negotiations. it s hot like conversations and negotiations. it s not like with 28 l and they all take turns not like with 28 l and they all take turns on not like with 28 l and they all take turns on the microphone. it s much more turns on the microphone. it s much more intimate. 28 leaders. he s flying more intimate. 28 leaders. he s flying off more intimate. 28 leaders. he s flying of