her resilience and faith is heartwarming. it was eye opening to see how she was doing and see how fast moving these asylum cases are because of the legal challenges to immigration law and asylum law. in one week i interviewed this family on a monday and the lawyer told me they have very little chance of getting their asylum approved because it was all based on gang violence. 48 hours later you have a judge that struck down the new guidelines from the trump administration and things are looking hopeful for them an it s christmas come early. that s maiamazing. this is the benefit of having you cover the stories. when we first heard from her, this will be a year we won t ever forget but for a lot of families they like forget because of how difficult it s been on that front. thank you.
these gangs have tentacles from central america to mexico. that is what many other families who aren t as fortunate as alison and sicindy are facing. families like alison in the united states, very much in limbo, and their fate really changes from decision to decision, as all of this court drama plays out. i lived it in real time with them. last week, we were down there and monday the lawyer said it is unlikely their case would be approved because the whole thing is based on gang violence. 48 hours later, a federal judge struck down the trump guidelines saying gang violence is back on the books. so for now, it s christmas come early for cindy and alison. but the lawyers as journalists, the families have to stay on their toes, because the trump administration is challenging asylum because they re not getting funding on the wall.
border. the trump administration will also secure and defend the borders of the united states. we have to have strong borders. countless innocent american lives have been stolen because our politicians have failed in their duty to secure our borders borders. if we didn t bring up illegal immigration you wouldn t even be talking about it now. we re building a wall, we re going to have a border. and people renewing come into our country, but they re going to come in through a legal proc.ss pete: yeah. we are actually, as a nation, litigating the sovereignty of our country, whether borders truly matter. our universities are infected by this idea that we re all global citizens and internationalism is the wave of the future and globalism. president trump says our flag, our patriotism, our freedom is special and to be preserved. when chuck schumer says abandon your wall, that is the last thing the president should remotely do. this shutdown will affect some people who will eventually get pai
how many broken promises does it take to lose one s base. donald trump has managed to break a lot. he never repealed obamacare, never managed to lock her up or remove syrian refugees. but it isn t until now as the precious, beautiful southern border wall hangs over the fires of mount doom, a lord of the rings reference, google it. his staunchest media allies are going to turn their back on him. fox news, right wing talking heads, the ones who helped propel trump to the white house and who wield more power than an entire row of electrified steel slats like in trump we trust author ann coulter who penned the ultimate trump regrets piece calling the president gutless and a sociopath and another word i probably shouldn t say on tv, it s christmas. steve dousy on the fox curvy couch piled on saying trump would look like a loser if there isn t a shutdown to make the american people pay for the wall that trump said mexico would pay for.
deal. it is a big deal. a lot of government employees won t get paid. it s christmas. as a matter of fact, i was out with my family. we were shopping this evening. it is christmas. most people want to do the same thing, be with their families, have some income to be able to buy christmas presents. and tonight the president s inside the white house, probably seething and watching tv, angry at someone or something. that s what he does, and then he tweets. he was supposed to leave for his florida estate today to begin a two-week holiday. the first lady and their teenage son traveled to mar-a-lago without him. he stayed in washington due to the shutdown of his making by the way. president trump is insisting that he won t sign a temporary spending bill unless congress gives him $5 billion for a border wall. nancy pelosi, chuck schumer tried to talk him out of it in an oval office meeting just last week. but with cameras rolling, the president put on a show.