i think it levels the playing field and makes it ok to want to leave at three and makes it ok to want to leave at three to and makes it ok to want to leave at three to pick up your dog because you got three to pick up your dog because you got a three to pick up your dog because you got a new dog in lockdown or to pick up you got a new dog in lockdown or to pick up the you got a new dog in lockdown or to pick up the kids or leave at three because pick up the kids or leave at three because you like doing yoga because people because you like doing yoga because people good at theirjobs who can have the people good at theirjobs who can have the pick and choose of several employers have the pick and choose of several employers will probably choose the one that employers will probably choose the one that will give them the greatest amount one that will give them the greatest amount of one that will give them the greatest amount of flexibility. it s amount of flexibility
Geldblog: Dividendenperlen – Auch im Alter sollte man nicht auf Erträge verzichten
Mittels attraktiver Aktien kann man ansprechende Renditen erwirtschaften. Geldberater Martin Spieler erklärt, worauf dabei zu achten ist.
Martin Spieler
3 Kommentare
Wohin mit 250’000 Franken? Das Geld einfach auf dem Konto liegenzulassen, ist die schlechteste Variante – auch im Alter.
Foto: Getty Images
Ich bin 72 und habe circa 250’000 Franken, die ich nicht für den Lebensunterhalt benötige. Was würden Sie mir raten?
Leserfrage von A.S.
Die schlechteste Variante wäre aus meiner Sicht, wenn Sie das Geld einfach auf dem Konto liegenlassen würden. Dann bekommen Sie angesichts des aktuellen Tiefzinsumfeldes keinen Zins und riskieren je nach Bank sogar, dass Sie diese Negativzinsen abliefern müssen. Mehrere Banken sind momentan daran, die Limiten, ab denen sie Negativzinsen in Rechnung stellen, zu senken.
right now we do it on a randomized basis, somebody who is a potential terrorist cannot predict if they ll be swabbed or not swabbed. reporter: like increases in okay nine teams, the expanded use of trace detection machines is a direct result of the christmas day attempt to blow up an airliner. unlike body scanners, they do not raise civil liberties concerns. it we would not want to see it used in a discriminate way against muslims and arabs. fertilizer can trigger the machines but tsa says the expanded use should not cause significant inconvenience or delays for travelers. the ts amount has more than 7,000 machines and the president s budget includes $60 million to purchase 800 mores. they ll be used different ways