Police say there has recently been a sharp increase in reports from residents claiming they have been coaxed into sending nude images of themselves to subjects they met online or through social media apps.
for these people in these situations with their personal finances. that s a very good question. we are establishing a whole new class of victims, victims of the housing crisis, and theville yans in the plot are the banks. the banks are getting all of the blame. the administration and state attorneys general are pressuring the banks to forgive some of these problem loans in other words, if you are having trouble repaying your mortgage, and there are millions of people in this position, they are being pressured to lower the amount of loan that you ve got, and therefore, lower your monthly mortgage payments. the banks are theville yans, the victims are the people who are having trouble paying their loans. martha: if i m doing okay and i m a little bit on the borderline and i hear that my next door neighbor got 75,000 tkarz hropd of$75,000lopped it o send out that check.