anand what thehey re relyiyg on a are abstracactions. there s s a big difffference ben r row your boboat and r row, row yourur boat . those are e different t thing. p players, ththey re gon n to and b because thehe players e gogoing to plalay, play, p play are cocompletely d different us of publilic domain m materia. this is s exactly ththe corere of creatitivity. intervieiewer 2: if f i record a song t today that t began of coururse, the plplayers gog to p play, play,y, play, pla, and the hahaters goingng to hatete, hate, hahate, hate , woululd ms. swifift have a copyrighght claim agagainst m? peter ananderson: ifif you re talking g about idenentically cocopying a seseries ofof words, wewe would hahave a fightht with the e or side over r whether itit s sho- intervrviewer 2: w well soso tell yoyou just saia, player, t they gon t to pla, and hateters, they g gon to h are nonot long enonough phrass to g get copyrigight protectc. are your c client s phrases s long enougugh
anand what thehey re relyiyg on a are abstracactions. there s s a big difffference ben r row your boboat and r row, row yourur boat . those are e different t thing. p players, ththey re gon n to and b because thehe players e gogoing to plalay, play, p play are cocompletely d different us of publilic domain m materia. this is s exactly ththe corere of creatitivity. intervieiewer 2: if f i record a song t today that t began of coururse, the plplayers gog to p play, play,y, play, pla, and the hahaters goingng to hatete, hate, hahate, hate , woululd ms. swifift have a copyrighght claim agagainst m? peter ananderson: ifif you re talking g about idenentically cocopying a seseries ofof words, wewe would hahave a fightht with the e or side over r whether itit s sho- intervrviewer 2: w well soso tell yoyou just saia, player, t they gon t to pla, and hateters, they g gon to h are nonot long enonough phrass to g get copyrigight protectc. are your c client s phrases s long enougugh
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i it and biden came in and he approved it. i put sanctions. i gave the javelins, which are anti-tank busters. i gave the javelins to ukrainevt when they took out all those tanks, that was from trump. you know what obama you know, when they say, o.h, trump was good to russia, i was the worst thing that ever happened. butt i still got alonge and with putin and he respected me. and i got along with and respected our country. they no longer respect our countrony. have you have said very boldly you could end this ukrainianbolt russia war in 24 yeah. how so? i know zelenskyy very welluse he because he was very honorable with the fake phone call. theyachmeneryt, hoax number one. they said i made a phone call to him, and i was very threatening. m and i i wasn t at all. i was actually very nice. i was congratulating him on a congy. but when they asked him, they said, did you were you he didn t even know what they were talking about. he was very honorable. anrandstan