India and the European Union have decided to undertake Quantum and High-Performance Computing research and development projects that could address climate chang
democrats want to hide behind ma usinnts ing terms like racism. what did you see in the hearin today? you saw democratcomings wanted to make it about republicans. they wanted to use words like racism. they didn t want to address the actual issues.s want and what you sawed in the answe. there was that this isn t about racism. we saw a direct response from fo a dad who lost his son andd hispanicth young man. you saw a response from hector ,who s a great friend of mine in laredo, hector garza, who s c working in border patrol, who is totally sicktion and tired of the bush t administration taking them forao granted and saying, hey, this is racist when all we want to do is enforce existing law to protect americans from fentanyl, protect americans from cartels , protect migrants and from being abused by cartels, and to set reset reseer at our border. even jay johnson, obama sjohn secretary of department of homeland security, said that a thousand people was an actual. crisis. and now we ve go
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Presented by Coalition for App Fairness
With Daniel Lippman and Theodoric Meyer
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Robert Stryk’s
ZAMZAM on behalf of