STR s global "bubble chart" update through 20 May 2023 shows 85% of markets with growth in revenue per available room (RevPAR) compared to 2019. That percentage represents a high mark since measurements against pre-pandemic times began. More notably, however, the gains included a more significant contribution from occupancy growth, as half of all markets surpassed their 2019 comparables.
Article - Global Hotel Occupancy Rising Ahead of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere - STR s global bubble chart update through 20 May 2023 shows 85% of markets with growth in revenue per available room (RevPAR) compared to 2019. That percentage represents a high mark since measurements against pre-pandemic times began.
STR’s global bubble chart update for 2022 shows resilient performance and plenty of momentum to face a challenging 2023 ahead. Almost half of the STR-defined markets around the world fully recovered revenue per available room (RevPAR) to 2019 levels.
이탈리아의 한 패션 인플루언서가 총선 국면의 새로운 변수로 등장했다. 14일(현지시간) 이탈리아 일간지 ‘라 레푸블리카’에 따르면 치아라 페라그니(35)는 이날 자신의 인스타그램에 “9월25일에 당신의 목소리를 내라”며 투표 독려 메시지를 올렸다. 그러면서 반파시스트,.
RICOSTRUIRE, rigenerare e neopopolare sono i temi-fulcro dell’incontro pubblico organizzato per venerdì pomeriggio a Palazzo del Podestà, al quale parteciperà tra gli altri anche il commissario straordinario per la Ricostruzione sisma 2016 Giovanni Legnini