House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took communion at a Catholic church in Washington, D.C., Sunday and spoke out after she was barred from receiving communion in her home diocese.
Pelosi questioned whether the archbishop was holding a double standard for banning her from Communion for her position on abortion while keeping quiet about Republicans.
that s what they tried to do in the affordable care act, which didn t have anything about terminating an abortion a pregnancy. so let s just say that, you know, i wonder about death penalty, which i m opposed to, so is the church, but they take in action against people who may not share their view. thank you for referencing the gospel of matthew, which is sort of the agenda of the church that is rejected by many who side with them on terminating a pregnancy. so we just have to be prayerful. we have to be respectful. i come from a largely pro-life italian-american catholic family, so i respect people s views about that. but i don t respect us wasting it onto others. now, our archbishop has been vehemently against lgbtq rights, too, in fact. he led the way in some of the initiatives on an initiative
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pushed back Tuesday on the decision by San Francisco's conservative Catholic archbishop to deny her Communion over her support of abortion rights,.