The Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington recently prepared their rare Fiat G-91 PAN for transfer to a new home in Italy. Museum personnel supervised the move, helping load the disassembled airframe inside a shipping container on November 18th, 2021. The aircraft then made its way by road to the Port of Seattle to await an ocean passage to Europe. The G-91 should arrive in Genoa, Italy by December 31st, from where the aircraft will board a truck to Malpensa, near Milan for refurbishment and display at Volandia, one of the largest aviation museums in Europe. The "PAN" in the aircraft's designation refers to the Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale, Italy's national aerobatics team better known as the Frecce Tricolori (Tricolor Arrows). There are only a handful of surviving G.91s which served with that famed team, so repatriating this important airframe is a significant moment for Volandia, and for Italy too.