Italeaf S.p.A.
algoWatt awarding a contract with an industrial partner to upgrade the monitoring system of a nationwide electricity transmission grid
algoWatt awarding a contract with an industrial partner to upgrade the monitoring system of a nationwide electricity transmission grid
algoWatt awarding a contract with an industrial partner to upgrade the monitoring system of a nationwide electricity transmission grid
algoWatt won the tender in association with a leading global technical and engineering consultancy company in the field of technology and innovation for the energy sector
Total consideration of approximately Euro 0.5 million for the re-engineering and consolidation of the WAMS (Wide Area Monitoring System) system, as part of the electricity system defence solutions
algoWatt: 2020 industrial results reviewed. Strong growth in the three business units in the energy, mobility and smart cities sectors
algoWatt S.p.A. , a GreenTech Solutions Company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange s electronic share market (MTA), after examining the separate preliminary results (announced on 16 December 2020), also analysed the industrial results achieved during the 2020 financial year.
The results indicate a
value of production (equal to
Euro 18.9 million approximately
+9%) achieved in full pandemic, compared to the corresponding value of the previous year. In particular, alongside the consolidation of economic and technological results achieved thanks to the improved and updated
guidance with the merger between TerniEnergia and Softeco, algoWatt has laid the foundations of the pillars that will support the growth assumed in the business plan 2021-2024, currently being defined and approved.