calculus in these things, it s going to transition to a guaranteed job. no, you are going to be a rapper, wrestler, play in the nfl. all of those things, even if you are the best at where you are at, doesn t translate anywhere. and they are now saying listen, we know you can t do it. so don t worry about it. we will take it. we got it. and that in itself is the most polite racism you have ever seen and they can sit with a straight face and be like, we are trying to help you. because we know you can t pay your bills. because you need us. so don t worry about math, we will take those jobs. don t worry. greg: kat, uas know you are part of an incoherent cult when the lexicon is so stupid. it s a harbor for it whiteness. let s unpack this. it s just garbage, and i hate using that phrase. as you are reading it, i blacked out.
tell us about this book, chris. it s unbelievable. this is one of critical race theories core tenets. the idea of whiteness. critical race theory tells us. they tee pick it whiteness as the devil luring children into a sense of racial identity. this is totally inappropriate. it s being taught to kids as young as 4 and 5 years old. i have had whistleblowers tell me it s being taught in 30 school districts in 15 states. jesse: because i m born white, i m the devil and i m racist. and this is supposed to be good for students according to the liberals. the air force is pushing this. a professor wrote a piece in the
tell us about this book, chris. it s unbelievable. this is one of critical race theories core tenets. the idea of whiteness. critical race theory tells us. they tee pick it whiteness as the devil luring children into a sense of racial identity. this is totally inappropriate. it s being taught to kids as young as 4 and 5 years old. i have had whistleblowers tell me it s being taught in 30 school districts in 15 states. jesse: because i m born white, i m the devil and i m racist. an this is supposed to be good for students according to the liberals. the air force is pushing this. a professor wrote a piece in the
tell us about this book, chris. it s unbelievable. this is one of critical race theories core tenets. the idea of whiteness. critical race theory tells us. they tee pick it whiteness as the devil luring children into a sense of racial identity. this is totally inappropriate. it s being taught to kids as young as 4 and 5 years old. i have had whistleblowers tell me it s being taught in 30 school districts in 15 states. jesse: because i m born white, i m the devil and i m racist. and this is supposed to be good for students according to the liberals. the air force is pushing this. a professor wrote a piece in the
tell us about this book, chris. it s unbelievable. this is one of critical race theories core tenets. the idea of whiteness. critical race theory tells us. they tee pick it whiteness as the devil luring children into a sense of racial identity. this is totally inappropriate. it s being taught to kids as young as 4 and 5 years old. i have had whistleblowers tell me it s being taught in 30 school districts in 15 states. jesse: because i m born white, i m the devil and i m racist. and this is supposed to be good for students according to the liberals. the air force is pushing this. a professor wrote a piece in the