it s 11:00 on the east coast, 8:00 out west. a doctor, father, and authority on near death experiences in children stands accused of water boarding his own daughter. that story is it ahead. also, a hot dry summer translates to pain in farmer s fields and supermarkets. check out supermarket lanes all over the world. and curiosity is out of this world, way out of this world, but it is keeping in touch via tweets. much of that coming up. first, a very tough story. accusations of water boarding not against a prisoner of war but against an 11-year-old american girl. the man arrested, the rl s father who is a pediatrician in delaware. this is a mug shot we re showing you here of dr. melvin morris. his daughter accuses him of holding her face under a running faucet and told police he called it water boarding. dr. morris has written several books including two that deal with near death experiences in children. he is also been interviewed on various national talk shows including opr