they are now surging inwe hav the polls. we have fulle coverage straight ahead on all of these keye th races. these are moste the most importr midterm races, possibly inblic. our lifetime, possibly in the history of this great republic. canmy words could not possibly afnvey the urgency i am feeling for the country that we allerda love, because after yesterday s hismal inflation news, another 40 year high common sensethei americans, they are rightly concerned about their future. ii they are rightly losingn an confidence in joe biden and the new extreme socialist climate cult. alarmist democratsclimate . pol and by the way, we have a new ap poll out. look at this. 46% of our fellow americans consider their financial, personal financial situation toe be poor poor. remember, the average family is paying seventy two hundred dollar0 mores more than they wes paying under donald trump for the exact same items, bare it wa necessities. now, remember, it was biden remehis failed admi
$1 million to corroborate his phony dossier, he was unable to do so. and remember, it wass phon andrew mccabe that said, oh, without the dossier, we never would have gotten the fisa application warrant approved. now, this was all, as devin nunes said, nothing more than a bounty on president trump s head, a pure political ploy from the deep state and theirnts actors in the lead up to all the 2016 election, all designed to take down donald trump and prevent him from winning it, with reaction. former house intelligence chairr devin nunes, former trump campaign advisor carter pages with us. you know, carter,nge- youup k for your country. worked yo fu work for the cia. it s now well known. you are an asset toe your country. you re a patriot to your country. u werei still don t understand y they targeted you in the first place. countr and then we learned in testimony this week that ine ler october, early october ofne t twenty , twenty one , the fbi