saying that the imperial government as represented. no. i m saying that rabbi, i m saying that gay people were born that way and they can t help it. just like you can t help being straight. here s a question that i have for you. how come there are many cases now where people are married for 20 years and they re suddenly leaving their wife and kids and taking up with homosexual partners. because of the social pressure that many people live the lie, rabbi. the bottom line have you been in bedroom with all of them or some of them. you asked me a direct question, i gave you a direct answer. well, i m interviewing you, ed. what do you want. okay you can interview. go ahead. i appreciate you wanting to turn the table the and that s fine. i m very solid in my position on this and i believe that there s discrimination in our society. but does that mean that my kids have to suffer in public school? no no one is making your kids being suffered. they re being brainwash
this is really how america should be run, when it wasn t the way that america was built. yes, mr. president, i agree. i think that you have to talk to young voters in this country, whether they vote or not, whether they re motivated or not because the stuff that s filling into their ears from the right wing is dangerous to america. let s get to our telephone survey tonight. the number to dial is 1-877-ed-msnbc. my question tonight is, are you in favor of abolishing the public school system? are you in favor of abolishing the public school system? because this is what the righties want to do. press one for yes. press two for no.
christine o donnell, what about the kind of candidates that the tea partiers are putting out for women? honestly, these are all of the candidates that need that we definitely need to defeat these candidates. christine o donnell is another disaster for women. take a look at the kinds of positions that she takes. women we need more women who understand equality. more women in government who understand equality but we certainly don t need women like christine o donnell. weep don t need women like sharron angle. terry o neill. we need women to understand that women need to make gains. terry, thanks so much for joining us tonight. thank you, ed. harry reid and the democrats need to turn out their base if they re going to win in nevada. and if they re going to turn the country around the way they want it. latino voters are a big key. for more let s bring in maria teresa kumar, the executive director of votto latino and an msnbc contributor. maria, i talked to political folks
apartheid in south africa. he didn t apologize for privatizing the military at the cost of hundreds of billions to u.s. taxpayers. he didn t apologize for setting up an energy policy that was based on enron s demands and he didn t apologize for lying us into the war in iraq. he sure isn t going to apologize to mr. whitman whittington. what does it tell us about the way they did business as if we didn t know that the injuries were far more serious than were originally reported? well, what we know, ed is that they extracted a, an apology from mr. whittington while he was still at baseline recovery from an injury that his doctor said could very easily have killed him. it came within millimeters. they clearly put tremendous pressure on him not to talk about it.
which brings me back to the california congressional candidate, david harmer. now, if the heritage it s former heritage foundation education expert has his way the school you went to, well, it s going to close its doors. and i have to, i have to ask a town that i worked in for 30 years, fargo, north dakota. and i know that there are a lot of tea partiers up there in the northern plains, can i just ask you this one question? do you want to close lincoln elementary school on the south side? do you want fargo north and fargo south to shut her down? let s go across the river to morehead high school one of the best hockey programs in the country, let s get rid of that, too. hell, let s get rid of everything that costs money. the conservatives have turned into nothing but a bunch of nut jobs. they have no focus for the people, they have no plan for jobs. all they are is about the money. and they will be so brash in this midterm because they ve got nothing to lose. if they pick up some seats