2016 when dwas candidate donald trump, we right here at nbc news and wlgz we had a new poll. historically terrible numbers the worst we d seen for a candidate. the a year ago the headline about donald trump never had a in my nominee of a major party been unpopular only 27% of american huss a positive view. only 38% of his own party, republicans said they were satisfied that their party was nominating this guy for president of the united states. only 27% of people said they had a positive view of the republican parties the democrats numbers higher than that. in 57% of voters said they thought donald trump ace views were outside the main stream. we looked at the numbers and we saw numbers throughout the entire campaign and we said this is a dead candidate walking. more importantly republican elected officials last year looked at these numbers they concluded the same thing remember a couple weeks before
popular vote, 36, 39, 40, 41%, president. i think there are two things to understand here. first of all is that there is this view the trump base is pretty solid. but our data shows. trump is been down in the poll 2% every month he started off won with 46 had at some point in the upper 40s down to 39, 36 he can be down in 30s. the idea his support is stable and base unmoving we don t know that. i would say a second thing most presidents spend time trying to improve the approval ratings in 2000 george bush wouldn t without getting the popularity vote matter maerjt i tried to govern from the center. it is interesting to note that donald trump donald trump knows that tweeting about mika or the things he is doing are not you know i fieing. he and steve banden are banned decided to have a war with the press and be divisive. they re not seeking popularity.
under the impression that they were sending a message to the voters. not because they thought it was actually going to happen. it s just a completely different calculus. if you are schumer you go out and remind people of that every chance you get. well put and perry here is another example of the fact that these townhall meetings we were seeing were as good and as hard as data. that was something happening. this happened a couple of years back in a different way. but the the old song lyrics there was something happening. there was and the townhalls are supported like like data. they support the data showing this is one of the most unpopular bills in modern history. we saw 12%, 16%. and i should add here a lot of things the republican party has trouble with are donald trump s faults. this is not the case. the republics on the hill wrote the bill had 7 years come up with an agreement on this kind of issue. and you have seen the last few months even in the house there
new round of polling is just out, showing the president s job approval hovering around 40%. some less. here to help us break down the new numbers is our national politico correspondent steve kornacki at the big board steve. brian it may abdifferent way of looking at the poll numbers everybody has seen the headlines. these are the four out in the last day or two. as you said hovering around 40%. . if i didn t tell you who the president was i just say a first year president these are the numbers in the middle of the first summer we d say naes a disaster. as you can say historically that s what what it looks like at this point donald trump lowest numbers of any of the modern predecessors by a far. this is terrible terrain to be in if you re a president except is in really what we should be comparing donald trump to? here is what i mean. one year ago tonight july 17th,
this boat speak to the base speak to trump s base but also speak to these people and say this is not what gets passed for making policy in washington. it s not as simple assaying go all the way to the right. it s a much more a complicated calculus. i think mcconnell has been trying to to say that some time people aren t listening. jonathan i wanted to read you some more numbers. there are more numbers you ve seen them as well. this is the washington post absent news poll. 70% says the president has acted unpresidential. 68% don t view him as a positive role model. 67% disapprove of his twitter use. and 57% can be sunled up as the more they hear the less they like him. sooner or later these are going to start to be dangerous numbers for a presidency. i was just thinking now that during the primary campaign then president trump would start every rally recrating the poll