about that. he s asked about dinesh d souza but it s just silly. i think the white house was right about the dinesh d souza piece. i don t like psychoanalyzing the president. i think there are better things we have to do as journalists. i think this was psychobabble, it wasn t even psychoanalysis. dinesh d souza. you know how you ve got to have a gimmick. it s like i grew up in mumbai and obama grew up in indonesia as a kid so he s got to have this world view. it s a 1i8y construct. and as you pointed out there were mistakes in it too. d souza told me this was a psychological theory he had devised. what do you make of this argument that o babama is adopt these anti-clonal policies and believes in this because of his dad? i think americans in general forget that the individual is separate from the sins of the father, that somehow a belief