because what president obamao president obama was saying, let s move aside on the bipartisan basis and andrea put her finger on the pulse when she said let s sit on the sideline and let the democrats defend this. the whole idea is for the parties to come together with a bipartisan reform and democrats have moved to the center. megyn: is that a fair characterization, was that fair, andrea? the democrats are talking about megyn: let andrea have a say. it wasn t f. they wanted our input, they would have done the summit months ago and if it wasn t politics they would have left the cameras out of it but the bottom line is republicans tried, now they need to focus on jobs. if the liberals didn t have an ego in this and weren t concerned with legacy politics, they would actually agree on one or two items, pass those items, call it a victory and move on but that s why it s much bigger than that now, this is about the historic pursuit of grandeur and getting something down on the books th