to this, vetoed that bill . she joins us tonight to explain. governor , thank you very much for doing this first and foror n g oncoming on .you do wh iy did you do it? veto. you re obviously under pressure not to veto it, but you did. whyou? y did you, paul tuckei was the right thing to do. i became aware of this bill . it wasn t introduced until was almost halfwayn t almost halfwai our legislative session. we started reading through this bill that was over one in ten pages long. it wase sold as an update to te guidelines of the universa guidelines of the universal commercial code backed by allr i of our financialnancial instit, our banks. as we started reading through- it, we saw the section ofrency. the bill that changed the definition of currencyd ess and essentially what it did wasd pave the way for a government led bdc and it also banned anymc other formri of cryptocurrency r bitcoin or digital currency that existed. so for me, it very clearly was a threat to our freedom. in s
it s all very strange and the ve story gets much stranger once you start pressing a little bit . we ve pressed pretty hard for the last few days on this question, not because we haves we ve pressed because you don any special affection fora counr jeffrey epstein. we ve pressed because you don t want to livey wher s in a counte it s possible to murder people in federal lockup. federcover up the killings andn get away with them. it. that s scary. that should not be allowed in this or any other civilized place. , but in the case of jeffrey epstein, it appears that it wase allowed. and on one level, you can seeath why it was this is one of those crimes that has no natural constituency pushing to solve it. the only people who likedeina jeffrey epstein were hisfriends. friends and some of them aread. clearly happy he s dead. here s bill gates, whom tim records show spent quite a bitey of time with jeffrey epstein after he became a registered whe sex offender. whaut did you do when y
i think the soonerhink we ge t this done, the sooner we can recovern and that s what the feerd ispe tryingop to do. people are debating whether they are going to overshoot and it ss veryel difficult to soft land tr thing. chances are they won t be able e goto and they will need to tae control of inflation. mike: there is also concern about the possibility of a rail fromri reuters, joe biden says administration is engaged inbi talks to avert the railroadra strikeil, the president declined to provide detailsprov on how te talks were going because it wase the middle ofgo negotiations, y team has been in touch with allm the parties and in a room with the parties and i have not directly engaged yet because they are still talking. how devastating would a rail strike be before christmas? extremely yovau are going to get at leasta billion dollars the first weekrt of hurt and people don t realize not just the retail product fors thanksgiving, there s a lot of
t say that it wase in the vaccine. however, the current critical care team that i do have in place does believe that it wasmn all caused from the vaccine, especially as more informationis ni coming out about the repercussions of off vaccines and , you know,si effec the nine pages of sidets effects that the pfizer documents have kind of revealed. it s kind of a consensus now that this did happen from the vaccine. and i m really fortunate and blessed because i was able to find a doctor. his name is dr. jordan vaughn, who works specifically with the vaccine injured community. so he was able to kind oft figure out a little bit more about what was going on with me. ou have you are such a gentle attitude and your kindness resonates. i don t know i thaf i would feeu that way if i were you. those document you refer to the side effects from anyzer conceded at the ver beginning those have beeno. available since the vaccine rolled out almost two yearwhy do .e effects or why didn t you k
know.prent tr and president trump has said hua has declassified these the materials. he was p the president oresifdet the united states and has the right to do so. you know, i think this is a case of who s going to policel e the police in this they don t wane t a special master as a career prosecutor. comy someone was challenging my ethics in a court of laurwle and saying let s bring in an independent person to look at this, i would say gladly, please come in, look at the evidence. look what we have. ifo they have nothing to hide,y they should welcome a special master se instead of fightingtn president trump and his legal team at every single turn. you know, first it wase pass the passports, greg jarrett, then it s apparently attorney-client privilege information thatttorney- they tt of mar a lago. i don t know if that has been returned yet. now it s about a taint teamm as as as you have rightly pointed out, your columns is is people investigating themselves. why the mysteri