to be popular or constructive or polite to be allowed to say it. you have an absolute right to express your views. period. you re right. tucker: that would include whiteboards, no? it s kind of simple. the idea of freedom of speech is essential to our country that s our country is founded on. the idea that you could disagree with s point when standing up for it? there s a difference between you expressing a view and that you providing intimidation and harassment to another students. the truth is msu has a responsibility to keep their students safe. that s what it is. tucker: the telling the amount of time, i hope you ll come back because i want to get to the question of what statements. i appreciate it. coming up, sad news today. a special tribute to our friend a special tribute to our friend alan colmesi m dave nemeth. television talk-show host and, until recently,
title and exaggeration mike tin paired tucker: they could look them up, took the obama administration seven years to do this, i m not the one calling people monsters were pulling them back. are you giving president obama a pass for not acting on this sooner? i m giving president obama extraordinary praise for taking excessive action to protect these vulnerable kids and i am saying that donald trump is not only a monster but he s a coward. were talking about somebody who is so emasculated by vladimir putin. tucker: now or never getting off is pretty that he has to come back and pick on vulnerable kids did these kids are the most vulnerable children in the country. tucker: let s get to the core of the issue. i m never going to get you to say that obama should have that s fine. let s move from the politics of the science. this policy has implications go are beyond bathrooms and locker
group outgroup dynamic. that divides the country we don t want to divide the country, we want to be stronger together, that is just how we need to operate. the truth is, you and me are going to disagree on some stuff but i m here on this show because i really think that the most report and think we can do is talk to people that we disagree with. understand their viewpoints. tucker: why would you be taking out a means of communication, it s not the ideal means of communication, maybe we live i don t know if it s occurred to you in such a orwellian world people are punished for believing what they say and maybe they feel like the only outlook is on a whiteboard, why would they want to take them away from them? what i m going to say is i think the whiteboard bands distracts from the bigger issue. i m 100% willing to have those conversations. i think those conversations are important.
tucker: let me stop you, what does that mean? you re either for people being allowed to write with it they got a whiteboard or you re not. it may distract from another issue but it still is an issue itself, why would they be allowed to write in a whiteboard i don t understand a? i think the issue at hand is you need to go into conversations with an open mentality. right now while i m talkative, i m really trying to understand where you re coming from because the truth is every single person regardless of their political affiliation relative where they came from, they have a reason why they think how they think. to make progress in our society, we need to recommends that. you might agree with what they think, you might not agree with the method of how they got there but the truth is once we start to understand why they think how they do, we can understand active conversations. tucker: everything you re saying is obvious and i think most people would agree with that. again, you nee
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