david s understand, and that epitomised david s character, it wasn t somebody that desperately wanted everybody s love or desperately wanted everybody s love or desperately wanted everybody to understand him, but he wanted everybody to understand him, but he went out of his way to make sure he but he went out of his way to make sure he understood the town and he demonstrated his love to the town, so the demonstrated his love to the town, so the embodiment of a call to us all to so the embodiment of a call to us all to he so the embodiment of a call to us all to be people that don t seek to -et all to be people that don t seek to get the all to be people that don t seek to get the attention and the craving of the understanding and love of others, the understanding and love of others, but to show understanding and to others, but to show understanding and to show love. it is a real testament and to show love. it is a real testament and again a wonderful way to conclude
country. geraldo: what time? different times and different stations. people asked me what do you think of working with dr. west and i said what do you do when your hero becomes your friend? geraldo: two of the best and brightest like i said, thanks for being on, gentlemen. thank you. coming up, how many women did l.a. s grim sleeper kill? and meet mike jones, the hero who is the living it testament to why pros like him need guns. see you in three minutes, ladies and gentlemen. stand by.
country. geraldo: what time? different times and different stations. people asked me what do you think of working with dr. west and i said what do you do when your hero becomes your friend? geraldo: two of the best and brightest like i said, thanks for being on, gentlemen. thank you. coming up, how many women did l.a. s grim sleeper kill? and meet mike jones, the hero who is the living it testament to why pros like him need guns. see you in three minutes, ladies and gentlemen. stand by. it s going to be an excitement.
country. geraldo: what time? different times and different stations. people asked me what do you think of working with dr. west and i said what do you do when your hero becomes your friend? geraldo: two of the best and brightest like i said, thanks for being on, gentlemen. thank you. coming up, how many women did l.a. s grim sleeper kill? and meet mike jones, the hero who is the living it testament to why pros like him need guns. see you in three minutes, ladies and gentlemen. stand by. it s going to b ! # $ / 0 i