i know i m a bit strange looking, but i haven t quite got horns and breathe fire, [ scary voice ] and i don t speak like that. phillips: critics say there s something seriously wrong with metal music, outrageous by design, that it t may have c contributeo a number of teenage suicides. has rock and roll finally gone too far? a growing number of people think so, and today they took their case to a u.s. senate hearing. their complaint? that rock lyrics and videos are crossing the line into trash and smut. we are asking the recording industry to voluntarily assist parents who are concerned by placing a warning label on music products inappropriate for younger children due to explicit sexual or violent lyrics. wild: in the 80s, these artists who were pushing boundaries in different ways were bringing those messages and images into our homes, and that provided political opportunity to pusush back agagainst it. burnett: we can say they re senators wives ooh! and they re messing around in
- donon t want toto be anan american n idiot - yoyou can t unundersell how shshocking it was that t the definititive statemt on g george bushsh s america came from m green day.y. - welcome t to a new kind of f tension all a across the e alien nati whehere everyththing isn t meant t to be okayay - it w was kind ofof like a rock opepera. you u had to lisisten to itt fromom front to o back bebecause it t told the enene ststory of whahat was goininn in the d decade. - w wake me up p when septptember ends - the fefear of terrrroris, the medidia, the warsrs, peoplele being senent off to f . - here comes the rainin again - rorock wasn t t all that surprising in n the 2000ss so when yoyou got somemething like amererican idiotot, it wasas, wow, this is s unexpecteded. thisis is shakining things up a lilittle bit. . - wake me u up whenen septemberer ends
it s s borrowingng withouout giving c credit. julian wriright: approropriatn is just t outright s stealing and sasaying that t it s your . lisasa respers f france: it t t disparity y and that u unfairns that peoeople are coconstantlyn the lolookout for r because itio histororic, and itit s so wead intoto the amerirican cultur. cari champmpion: cultutural apappropriatioion looks lilikt identifyfying the ororiginato. anand it only y becomes popopr in mainstrtream culturure whwhen someonene who is nonot k decides s to use it t as theirn or make itit their ownwn. sidndney madden:n: i thinink a lot ofof people are just n now wakingg up to o the fact ththat most mumusic genreses t wewere birtheded in americia were birththed by blacack peop. [suspepenseful piaiano music] and were stolen and popularized by mainstream white artists. shirley halperin: the issue of cultural appropriation really speaks to the roots of the music industry,
lisasa respers f france: it t t disparity y and that u unfairns that peoeople are coconstantlyn the lolookout for r because itio histororic, and itit s so wead intoto the amerirican cultur. cari champmpion: cultutural apappropriatioion looks lilikt identifyfying the ororiginato. anand it only y becomes popopr in mainstrtream culturure whwhen someonene who is nonot k decides s to use it t as theirn or make itit their ownwn. sidndney madden:n: i thinink a lot ofof people are just n now wakingg up to o the fact ththat most mumusic genreses t wewere birtheded in americia were birththed by blacack peop. [suspepenseful piaiano music] and were stolen and popularized by mainstream white artists. shirley halperin: the issue of cultural appropriaiation really speaks to the roots of the music industry, which have been for as long as recording has existed, has really been riding on the back of black talent. some recording contracts still say, the record companyy
we werere saying n no, it s s not the m music. we r re talking g about thee actualal lyrics inin the chor. shshirley halplperin: it seemed a at the timeme that it t was too cocommon a ph. sosort of tryiying to tradadek or to copypyright whahat s u everyonene uses it.. at the timime, that wawas a vevery common n thing to s s. likeke, hate thehe playerer, not the e game. dometi p pong: so ththere s ala cultltural compoponent here e e a lot t of folks feel likike artists-s mainststream artisists likeke a taylor r swift has ththe agency t to take a little b bit of blacack cultu, use it a at her dispsposal, rex it, , and wash h her hands o t and d say, i dididn t know this is s where it c came fro. anand it mightht not eveven be happppening purprposefully o or maliciouo, bubut it does s happen. cacari champioion: in the e ey 90s and ininto the 200000 s, u had d to be edgygy. and yoyou had to b be comfortae inin your blacackness. and you u had to be e comfortae in s singing in n colloquia