change across the company, including here at cnn. and i m sad that i won t be here to cover it. but since this is our final episode, we re going to do something today. this is a special hour and it s about change. it s about change all across the media world. what s changing? what might change? and what must never change about the accountability function of journalism. i love this show. this small but mighty show punched above its weight for so many years. even a former president commented on the cancellation. reliable sources has been a one of a kind show, and a popular show. this is one of cnn s highest rated weekend shows. so i want to say thank you to all of you watching around the world. i was lucky to be a part of it for nine years. but it began 30 years ago after the gulf war. so here s what the iconic former cnn ceo tom johnson said on facebook when he heard the show was canceled. he said it was founded by ted turner and leaders of cnn who felt deeply that media org
zawhahiri is stomach he was the ideological master behind behind the turn of al qaeda andnd groups like that toward indiscriminate mass murder of civilians anywhere, including muslims, all in the name of islamic piety and how he got there, we now, looking back at it, it seems like a straight shot, but if he dropped in at any time of his biography, you wouldn t have known, trained as a doctor, as a surgeon, a respected family in egypt, born and raised in cairo. by the time he was 15 years old he was a committed radical who wantedic to impose islamic theecacy by force all of 15 yearsfo old. when islamic militant disassassinate egypt s president anwar sadat at a military parade in 1981, he was one of hundreds ofe islamic radicals who was tried and imprisoned and tortured for years in egyptian prisons. while there he became an informant, supplying information on hisin comrades, and released fromra prison in egypt in 1948 d even more radical than when he had gone in an
my friday friends. what a great show we have tonight. say but i say that every night. don t i even win it even when. it s a coping trick that i it. pickt s a coping trick that i picked up from the hosts fox and friends. they don t su what do they know? so here s a fun survey and by fun, i mean agrees with me. who was never wrong? a new poll conducted by politico, which is spanish for vomit, shows that most hispanics actually liketr the transporting of illegal aliens to left wing sanctuary cities. yes, it appears thissanc actiotn only upsets white liberals and sanctuary cities who are forced to be compassionateply instead of simply pretending toa be . they re also known as my apology to actual anuses who perform, who perform a valuable function, make funem of them all you want. but if you didn t have one oh, i would hate to be you. where am i ? but if there s one thing white liberals are good at, it s being hypocritical. credit. that in telling me th. in t
the woman wanted a bag of potato chips, but there was no money left and her governmentac issued food stampk card to the clerk tried to take back the chips. the became enraged and went and got her boyfriend. now the boyfriend, austin simon, had a long history of violent crime. someone had spent at leastlt three years in prison for assault. his most recent parole expired last may, so simon had no apparent job. he was h wearing a three designr t-shirt and a gold earring and he was extremely angry. he was furious. austin simon threw albar into a wall, then leaned down and screamed in his face. when the older. man stood up, simon grabbed him by the neck. here s a local news account describing what happened next. surveillance video shows thirty seven year old austin simon pushed the clerk behind counter and then stand over him. moments later, a struggle ensues. the two russell and the clerkab stabbed simon multiple times. this happened mul late friday nt in the blue moon convenie
self-righteous obsession above w the people that she was electeds to serve, the people thatto elected public servants. in many ways she showed utter contempt for the people in her l own state and they didn t like it one bit. and oddly, this led congresswoman cheney to align with a very v same democrats. and i find this the oddestt thing of all who called her owna father a war criminal. look at what they did to scooter libby, his chief of staff. they called her father murderer, r a a crook for working on halliburton, the very same people that smeared her family for decades. and theneo they were people like myself who defended my father and people like scooter libby. you know, we re now just dismissed as unethical without any principle values whatsoever. a ashe would clearly rather had joe biden and the democrats in charge ofem the country with alr of their destructive policies. it s d more dangerousicie than . instead of donald trump,, the people of wyoming disagree with her a