it s never a single drug to treat covid now guys speaking of dr. hotez on another issueth that s making headlines all arounde the world is the issue of monkey pox and who really is spreading it or susceptible to it? let s watch. is it mostly men involved in these intimate relations who are more likely to get monkey pox? that seems to be the major profile that actually in its own interesting way is good news because it means that you can identify people who are potentially transmitting the infection. take a risk. this is on the monkeypox issue i ,whichs is the next viral issuet that i thinkha public healthth authorities want us to trust them on . and from what we ve heard so i far, it looks like this is a very limited risk. it sut a very small risk, but it s a risk and a particular subset of people mostly.
the constitution. t they yet they re enjoying the very liberties that they say stemll from a structurally racist document. if you have none ofcu this makes any sense but those prayerful protest and they re out and they re out practicingnse? their right to life right and right. they had that right was insured by their parents and given to them. the court is now saying let s let every state decide whether t this ishi what it was obvious an issue that was never settled. i mean, they said, oh , this is now settled law. what ? peopl one hundred and twenty thousand people showed up at the marche y for life every year even in freezing weather. horrible freezin their great we. and this was a young person s movement to which i think it sut a religious movement. right. but a young person s movement and i know i ve been talking tof a number of people in law enforcement who said those law clerksor would be lined up tomorrow by the chief justice. they should be interrogated by the fbiin and him. an
it sut there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we d really like our truck back, so if u see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what?