polarizing us institution. great. frankly, it s not really surprising. last year, for example, trusttea the media hit an all time low and it just can t rebound. it seems low this last week wass clarified why with why it s a lie, especially whend. comes o the supreme court. you want to give an example? here we go . new york times call holsey writes this about that big political roe v. wade ruling. senate republicans did not havep to take the politically risky step of banning abortions. the courts took care of that for them. really,rt you would think someoe who s been reporting for more than 30 years couldrm. easy have got this right. but he didn t with the supreme courtut actually did, as you knw ,was kicked the decision back to the states. they did not ban abortion atrd all yesterday after the court rejected a case from health care workers challenging new york s vaccine mandate. who else went after but clarence thomas is found, as a fact checking now. do you mind fact check
these emissions. all right. ti guess it s so i guess i llng clear this up for you . the supreme court didn t curb epa s power on climate congress didn t y give in the power in te first place. the supreme court merely t affirmedhe that fact. this has been going on forng years, by the way. it srs no wonder trust in the media is down, down, down. joining me now, somebody who s up, jason chaffetz from the house oversight committee chair and fox news contributor.u st he felt the frustration frm the media and now he s a member of and also with me, curt schlichter, senior columnist at town hall and the author of the new book will be back . the fall and rise of america. jason , what do you have to say? where dohe we start here ? when you talk about trust in our institutions? well, first of all, i trust you , brian. so there s one , but the other one s come on . it s the probably the biggest disappointment. i sat in congress for eight andg
stores. but they also had nearly twice as many supermarkets and large scale grocers. food deserts areke a myth. so do taxpayers get their money back? no. it srs government. they never stop taking yourvern money. the government will spend more this year to, as they put it,mo finance food options. it s so mindless, so stupid and useless. i would despair for our future were it not for my periodic n exposure to young people who gee it, who are much wiser than today s political elites. my nonprofit offers school i teachers free videos that introduce students to economicsf this year we ran an essay contest inviting students toear write on the topic food nannies, who decides what you eat. inti class, many students had watched a show i did called myths, lies and complete stupidity which included interviews with people like theh state legislator who wants the w government to ban salty food. we find if you have an
that. megyn: , we, meaning the american taxpayer. it srs they say by their own records, that they would be sending these slips out to. and say, sequestration goes into effect you are in danger of losing your job. megyn: sequestration is automatic cuts to our defense spending that the congress and the president has already agreed on. the cuts will be made unless they change the law which they failed to do. even though they had a committee designated to change it they didn t. they want to us believe after the election they will have the political courage they didn t have before. but where is the guarantee of that? it s nowhere. instead of dealing with the real problem they are out scurrying around trying to worrying about thed a-on problem like the pink slip problem. the poor people at lockheed martin are saying tell me what s going to happen. will i have a job or not.