things like that, but to actually take a packet of grape jelly and put it in your hair was really, really surprising. just like any gel, you re going to go like that and just scrunch it to help it scrunch, but it s starting to get sticky so i know it s working already. who on earth would do something like this? she laughed and she s like, you know, we have nothing else to use and to be quite honest, my hair smells so good and i actually really enjoy it, this is something i ll do even after i get out of here. i take this to scrunch out the extra jelly and lotion and it helps it dry faster. her hair actually did smell really good. hair style complete. just got to wait for it to dry. there are so many things you take for granted when you re on the outside, and those things are such valued commodities within the jail. for joe watson, what meant more to him than anything else was lead for his pencils.
i know women use avocado and things like that but to actually take a packet of grape jelly and put it in your hair was really, really surprising. just like any gel, you re going to go like that and just scrunch it to help it scrunch, but it s already starting to get sticky so i know it s working already. who on earth would do something like this? she laughed and she s like, you know, we have nothing else to use and to be quite honest, my hair smells so good and i actually really enjoy it, this is probably something i ll do even after i get out of here. i take this to scrunch out the extra jelly and lotion and it helps it dry faster. her hair actually did smell really good. hairstyle complete. just got to wait for it to dry. there are so many things you take for granted when you re on the outside, and those things are such valued commodities within the jail. for joe watson, what meant more to him than anything else was
and i rub my hands together. and it s really messy, but it s worth it. and just kind of makes like a gel out of it. i know women use avocado and things like that, but to actually take a packet of grape jelly and put it in your hair was really, really surprising. just like any gel, you re going to go like that and just scrunch it to help it scrunch, but it s starting to get sticky so i know it s working already. who on earth would do something like this? she laughed and she s like, you know, we have nothing else to use and to be quite honest, my hair smells so good and i actually really enjoy it, this is something i ll do even after i get out of here. i take this to scrunch out the extra jelly and lotion and it helps it dry faster. her hair actually did smell really good. hair style complete. just got to wait for it to dry. there are so many things you take for granted when you re on the outside, and those things are such valued commodities
and it s really messy, but it s worth it. and just kind of makes like a gel out of it. i know women use avocado and things like that, but to actually take a packet of grape jelly and put it in your hair was really, really surprising. just like any gel, you re going to go like that and just scrunch it to help it scrunch, but it s starting to get sticky so i know it s working already. who on earth would do something like this? she laughed and she s like, you know, we have nothing else to use and to be quite honest, my hair smells so good and i actually really enjoy it, this is something i ll do even after i get out of here. i take this to scrunch out the extra jelly and lotion and it helps it dry faster. her hair actually did smell really good. hair style complete. just got to wait for it to dry. there are so many things you
actually take a packet of grape jelly and put it in your hair was really, really surprising. just like any gel, you re going to go like that and just scrunch it to help it scrunch, but it s starting to get sticky so i know it s working already. who on earth would do something like this? she laughed and she s like, you know, we have nothing else to use and to be quite honest, my hair smells so good and i actually really enjoy it, this is something i ll do even after i get out of here. i take this to scrunch out the extra jelly and lotion and it helps it dry faster. her hair actually did smell really good. hair style complete. just got to wait for it to dry. there are so many things you take for granted when you re on the outside, and those things are such valued commodities within the jail. for joe watson, what meant more to him than anything else was lead for his pencils.