the factory floors, vfw, it humanizes him. i would always advise the president to go to every single, go to the vfw, american legion, veterans with disabilities, all of those things. you are right. it humanizes him and whatever can humanize him makes him stronger in middle america. laura: people don t know he s actually very charming and is really funny. you don t see that a lot. that s all very true. 45% by the worst poll. i think the democrats are handling themselves, you know, if they would find a way to be moderate but they can t. laura: republicans are going to hit them on trade? they are going to keep hitting them on trade and tariffs? i believe sonny perdue is a pretty smart guy. if he thinks these subsidies need to help the farmers, i agree with him. but i also think that if you re
we are going to talk about things. laura: so did bush. so did clinton and so did reagan. i will give you an air of dignity for a while and we will see where it goes. laura: what frustrates him the most right now? i think probably what frustrates him the most is that he has an economy that s booming. people are back to work. black unemployment is under 6%. he is doing all the things he promised to do. and he s competing with a 24/7 media cycle that really doesn t profit on laura: good news. not even good news. but fairness and that there is two sides of a story. we have 24/7 cable and there is no money there s only money in division. there s no money in sort of laura: that s the way it is. he knows it. he thrives off it. he s great when he goes to the people, not just rallies. the factory floors, vfw, it