having stances fighting vigorously and having their own stances on issues, at the having their own stances on issues, at the end having their own stances on issues, at the end of having their own stances on issues, at the end of the day, it is the people at the end of the day, it is the people of at the end of the day, it is the people of taiwan who choose and we should people of taiwan who choose and we should respect the outcome. stay with us, should respect the outcome. stay with us. we should respect the outcome. stay with us, we will should respect the outcome. stay with us, we will get should respect the outcome. sit: with us, we will get your should respect the outcome. sit
local car dealership and the receipt was for a purchase o three oil changes, it had th name of andrew wagner. and true, the boyfriend angie lived with before justin weird, another guy without a criminal record, another apparently, ordinary person. the des moines funeral directo in his case. and yet, there it was in black and white among all those othe pieces of evidence andrew how did he explain that? at that time, you don t so, did andy kill justi michael? the man who replaced him i angie s heart? we immediately went t andrew s place of business and brought him back t headquarters for questioning and we asked him about his relationship with angie. and more to the point perhaps, his relationship, o the lack of it, with justin. have you ever met justin? once. where was that at it was at joe s pub
scotland is usually a matter for the scottish government. scotland is usually a matter for the scottish government. the cop26, we are auoin scottish government. the cop26, we are going to scottish government. the cop26, we are going to need scottish government. the cop26, we are going to need you. scottish government. the cop26, we are going to need you. but scottish government. the cop26, we are going to need you. but with - scottish government. the cop26, we are going to need you. but with the l are going to need you. but with the crucial climate are going to need you. but with the crucial climate conference - are going to need you. but with the crucial climate conference known i are going to need you. but with the | crucial climate conference known as a cop26 approaching, mrjohnson made this unusual visit to scotland s headquarters to see promotions for himself. it headquarters to see promotions for himself. , :, :, , :, himself. it is going to be a massive effort for the
and the single theory that explains everything. he lays out something we ve never heard before. i also have another bill. an economic development bill which i think will be fantastic which nobody knows about. which you are hearing about for the very first time. economic development incentives for companies, incentives for companies to be here. it is a carrot and stick. incentive to stay but is perhaps even more so if you leave. it is going to be very tough for you to think that you are going to be able to sell your product back into our country. this just out. what do you make of it? well, let s see what that is. it sounds like a protectionist measure where if a company leaves the united states, it may be bought by a foreign company or moves it headquarters from the u.s. to a foreign country, they won t be able to sell back into the united states. we ve signed a number of agreements that we would