supported the measure in the senate or the house, and it now heads to president trump s desk, where he s expected to sign it, which brings us back to the crowd funding effort of adam mcaleney, who writes, i plan on purchasing the internet histories of all legislators, congressmen, executives and their families and making them easily searchable. he doesn t outline exactly how he plans to purchase the data from internet service providers, but his point is clear. it eblg co-s the questions poised by democrats like mike cap lawn know. i have a simple question. what the heck are you thinking? what is in your mind? why would you want do give out any of your personal information to a faceless corporation for the sole purpose of them selling it? just last week, i bought underwear on the internet. why should you know what size i take or the color or any of that information?
a tennessee resident flamed adam mckelly is trying to raise $1 million to purchase the internet web history of members and congress. first and foremost, paul ryan, marsha blackburn, and mitch mcconnell. why? because they were drivers behind the republican led repeal of internet privacy rules which had passed under president obama last year. put simply, yesterday republicans in congress voted in favor of letting internet service providers sell your browsing history, allowing them to profit off your personal data without getting your consent. not one single democrat supported the measure in the senate or the house, and it now heads to president trump s desk, where he s expected to sign it, which brings us back to the crowd funding effort of adam mcaleney, who writes, i plan on purchasing the internet histories of all legislators, congressmen, executives and their families and making them easily searchable. he doesn t outline exactly how he plans to purchase the data from internet service