i talked to a lot of scientists and doctors who say, look, we just don t know and then there are people like devra davis, a physician, a reverender is, former white house senior health adviser, who founded a group called environmental health trusts. she studied the issues with cell phones for decades and the amount of radiation they give off and what your body might absorb trying to connect those dots. you may not agree with what you re about to hear and what she has to say, but i think it s important to hear. why did you get interested in cell phones? i knew about the history of tobacco and asbestos. because i d worked on those things for 20 years. just because there are other issues that subsequently became problematic, it doesn t mean everything is going to become problemat problematic. in this case i knew enough to look at effects that haven t been appreciated and when i looked back and looked at the history of science, which is something i know a little bit about, i learned
republicans. it s small enough that i think it looks like a reasonable offer and they do one other very shrewd thing they take some of president obama s own proposed budget cuts and put it into the 4 billion. it will be hard for democrats to say no, we won t even take the president s spending cuts. gregg: a government shut down is a phrase that sort of sends chills up people s spines. in fact it was very common, jimmy carter every year of his presidency an average of 11 day shut downs. it doesn t mean everything shuts down. reporter: it doesn t mean necessarily that you don t get social security checks. it doesn t mean that the troops in afghanistan and iraq don t get paid or their ammunition financed. you can structure it in a way that those essential tasks still get done. gregg: a couple of days chuck schumer, senator, democrat took a swipe at the new freshman republicans, what are there 87 of them. reporter: that s right. gregg: they say these guys are
pose a public health risk. i talked to a lot of scientists and doctors who say, look, we just don t know and then there are people like a physician, researches are, former white house health adviser who founded a group called environmental health trusts. she studied the issues with cell phones for decades and the amount of radiation they give off and what your body might absorb trying to connect those dots. you may not agree with what you re about to hear and what she has to say, but i think it s important to hear. why did you get interested in cell phones? i knew about the history of tobacco and asbestos. it doesn t mean everything will become problematic. in this case i knew enough to look at effects that vent behav been appreciated and when i looked at the science, i learned the navy had warnings and had developed ways to protect