a 2nd referendum even if it s by no means clear that this outcome will be any different than last time and you re creating a new problem instead of bringing a solution where the u.k. has to find some way of breaking the deadlock over bricks that finds itself and i want to see a nearly general election and a referendum to give the u.k. the opportunity to change its mind know that it sees. difficult finding a way forward and bricks that has become so when you re in a deadlock you have to find a way forward of course i want scotland to remain in the e.u. i hope the u.k. remains in the e.u. but if it doesn t then scottish have the option of becoming an independent member state within the e.u. so that we can protect our position under interests as part of the european family . it doesn t look like the supreme court will rule against the suspension of parliament do you really think that whole process will settle what is essentially political well there has to be some limits on the ability of
it doesn t look like the supreme court will rule against the suspension of parliament do you really think that whole process will settle what is essentially political well there has to be some limits on the ability of a government and in this case a minority government to close down parliament in order to avoid scrutiny so i hope and i respect the independence of the judiciary but i hope the supreme court will find the proof a geisha of parliament was unlawful a scottish court reached that conclusion last week and then we can see parliament recalled and much needed scrutiny applied to boards johnson s whole approach to break his approach i think is to see the uki crash with a deal but be able to blame the european union for that instead we need to avoid a new deal bricks or at request an extension to article 50 if necessary and then see a general election for the referendum to try to get the uki are we out of this how