and every word that he does not say. and, the most important were that joe manchin did not say is, no. when garrett hank asked him if joe biden speech change his opinion on the senate rules change, joe manchin could ve easily said, no. it didn t change my mind. that would have been very bad news for the president and the democrats, but joe manchin also could ve used it, change my opinion and announce supported rules change, and that would ve been great news for the democrats. but, when you re watching senators in these situations, you watch will words they choose to say. and what joe manchin chose to say was, nothing. nothing. the way he said it, was to simply say, we re still talking. everyone is talking. the way everyone in the senate reads that kind of response means that it is still possible, just possible, to get joe
say that we ve made a mistake. it didn t change my mind but what was very revealing was how mishandled the conflict was and how there was never a strategy for victory. someone has to die so that president nixon won t be, and these are his words, the first president to lose a war. the most offensive to me was that we didn t tell the american people the truth. the american people become disillusioned when they re being told that victory is just around the corner. and we will not be silent. which it was not. nice. good evening, sir. good evening. glengarry chamberlin, esquire. welcome. jimmy crabtree, plus one.
ground level led me to believe we were on a quixotic errand, and it weighed on me in a way that made me a very vocal and determined anti-war activist after i came back. each day to facilitate the process by which the united states washes her hands of vietnam someone has to give up his life, so that the united states doesn t have to admit something that the entire world already knows, so that we cannot say that we ve made a mistake. it didn t change my mind but what was very revealing was how mishandled the conflict was and how there was never a strategy for victory. someone has to die so that president nixon won t be, and these are his words, the first president to lose a war. the most offensive to me was that we didn t tell the american people the truth.
paths with respect to the war in vietnam. my war was down in the delta mostly and seeing the war on a ground level we believe on an exoticer land and wait on me that made me a very vocal and determined anti war activists after i came back. each day the facilitate the process by which the united states washes her hands of vietnam. someone has to give up his life so that the united states doesn t have to admit something that the entire world already knows so we cannot say we ve made a mistake. it didn t change my mind but what was very revealing how was it handled and how there was never a strategy for victory. someone has to die so
e-mails were discovered, bigger than watergate. that suggests a central role in your message. well, let me ask you something do you think that they went through hundreds of thousands of e-mails in a week? because that may strike a lot of americans as unusual. i don t know if i d have the capacity to do that. i don t know if i d i don t know that i want as a taxpayer the fbi stopping everything to reader, mails. i doubt they did. it s important for me to say, hundreds of thousands of e-mails. we re talking about the total number of e-mails that existed on this computer, not the total number this was a personal computer. that s not the total number that were relevant to this case. do you doubt this review was thorough? i sure hope it was thorough because obviously, you know what, if it didn t change my mind today that the investigation has been mishandled from the beginning. why did we find out today the house keeper is printing out confidential information? why didn t we fin