to consumers, that s allowed in only one other country on the planet. but it s allowed here. surpr so it may not surprise you thatn in this country, drug companies spend more on lobbying congressress than any other industry. a lot more than an industry, a lot more than any other industry. and they don t d o it by accident. they do it because it pays off in a deal like this. a pretty remarkable deal . the drug companies have worked out with politicians. so the government usesthe gove x dollars to buy billions worth of their products and then in prme cases forces you to use those products. d sometimes sometimes those products work, sometimes they don t work. in some cases, those products can injure work. d some cases t you. no matte but no matter what happens,appes there s nothing you can do about it because politicians have given these companies s have gcomplete immunity. if their products hurt or kill you, you can t sue them. you re not even really allowedtt to complain abo
30%. a now a couple of thingso notice to notice about that exchange. the , walker thought this through. this is not just off the top ofi his head. he s nots not stupid. . and he s clearly thought through the potential consequences thought of this re. but he also is honest enoughd be to admit that it could be a cash cash cow. co and heen he says, has laughs as he says it, it s beent a cash cow for us .r us so imagine two pharmae two executives meeting in a baphr b. and want to say, how can we get kids to smoke more cigarettes? more cbecause now, cancer is a cash cow for us .cancer cache cu people would recoil in horror. and by the way, regulators would be on thisrs would were the regulators. you can t just come up with a au drug claim. it works.and claimant works bece get the government to enforce regulatorsequirement to take igt ,you have to go through regulators. where are they ? where are they. regulating a company like pfizer ? could it be that regulatory could it b capture is rea