On Friday, Nashville attorney Daniel Horwitz filed a response to a libel lawsuit initiated by Thunder Air, the real estate company of John “Thunder” Thornton, on behalf of his client, Joe E. Blevins, and a second response on behalf of Ronnie Kennedy, who is represented by Nashville attorney William J. Harbison.
party. neil: what is your gut on mccain? i think so. i think they ll come together. this is a time for our party to show that we can lead and deliver for the american people that put us in the majority. neil: ronna, thanks very much. ronna mcdaniel, the rnc woman. the offer stands for her democratic counterpart. you never know. the wall street journal is reporting and we can confirm that cvs is kicking the tires of it aetna or could it be the other way around? so much going on. charlie gasparino on top of both after this. and i looked for bo. stop short. i don t see nothin man. you don t see it, he feels it. you are my hammer out there. don t let these young guys see you fold. i m only human, i make mistakes i m only human, that s all it takes to put the blame on me i m alive because of you. i m not a hero. we re brothers, we look after each other.