entually killing one-third of spending them.ons. join the california nursess it addicting 17,000 california kids each year.ev. . now tobacco companies are spending millions to. defeat prop 56. because in every state that s raised tobacco taxes, smoking rates go down. so who are you going to trust? pediatricians, cancer groups and the califronia pta who all. support prop 56. or the tobacco companies trying to kill it. vote yes on 56.
entually killing one-third of spending them.ons. join the california nursess it addicting 17,000 california kids each year.ev. . now tobacco companies are spending millions to. defeat prop 56. because in every state that s raised tobacco taxes, smoking rates go down. so who are you going to trust? pediatricians, cancer groups and the califronia pta who all. support prop 56. or the tobacco companies trying to kill it. vote yes on 56.