After Gujarat, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the Asaduddin Owaisi-led AIMIM are set to turn their attention to next year s Assembly polls in Madhya Pradesh, where they are likely to be key factors given their good show in local body elections held in July-August. Madhya Pradesh Assembly Elections 2023: After Failing To Replace Congress As Main Opposition Party in Gujarat; AAP, AIMIM Looking Forward to MP Polls.
BJP is set to hold its legislature party meeting on Saturday at 10:30 am at the state BJP office Kamalam in Gandhinagar, after which the leaders will meet the Governor at around 2 pm to stake claim to form the government.
A meeting of newly-elected Bharatiya Janata Party MLAs is underway at the BJP office in Gandhinagar on Saturday following the party s historic win in the Gujarat Assembly elections.