did not like the way it made hillary sound within a single sentence that they then changed. that should be deeply disturbing. hillary clinton isn t even the president yet, and that s schiavo influence she has. i promise you new york times, cnn doesn t change headlines when they got it wrong here. everything they have said turned out to not be right. they were wrong, because they relied on partisan capitol sources. this happened to us with the benghazi investigation, when the issa committee leaked incorrect information and abc news had to walk it back. let s turn quickly to the clinton economic speech. let s play some of what she had to say earlier today. today we face a choice between the future and the past. the republicans running for president seem totally
police sa s trying to interject himself into select committee s business. keep in mind, wolf, when the select committee was formed, what the speaker said is everything comes under the select committee. and now here we have mr. issa try to bring the secretary in and the secretary is saying, you know, i m going to come but i m just going to come one time, this is it. he s just going to the issa committee it undermines the select committee. i thought if there was a select committee, that would supersede the other committees. on oversight and government reform. they ve been holding, as you know, holding a lot of investigations, a lot of hearings be the benghazi terrorist attack. that s exactly right. i assumed once there was a select committee, the speaker put together seven republicans chaired by goudy, five democrat, nancy pelosi has agreed to
earlier this woke. how much of that added fuel to the four. reporter: he had a heck of a brownie moment when he praised eric shinseki. there is clearly a cover up going on in phoenix and other facilities. and i guess the president deserves to get the facts and be deliberate in his response, but that doesn t send a message of being on top of things. politics often turns on perception and he s getting beat up by his allies. ncertainly howard. we have a new piece of news. secretary of state john kerry will testify in the house oversight in benghazi. and not the new select committee. what is your reaction to that. reporter: it is interesting, secretary was not secretary at the time of the benghazi attacks. and the issa committee was
the end. when you put the dea story with the irs and the fec story with the irs, and the benghazi story that been picked up a little bit more by the mainstream media in recent weeks, what does that suggest overall about the theme from the administration that wants to declare all these scandals phony? well it suggests it just won t fly. you re right about benghazi. for months and months fox was kind of a lonely voice investigating what was going on in benghazi. now it does seem that other media organizations realize there are serious and unanswered questions about what happened there but when you combine that with these irs revelations, it becomes very, very difficult for democrats to say as they have been saying for weeks now, nothing to see, let s move, nothing more to investigate. you remember the democratic head on the issa committee weeks ago said that the irs scandal had been solved. it was all over. then the president himself said the scandals were phony. it just becomes harder
hiding by using this privilege. gregg: sure. so we have to beg the question, what is he hiding now? and also is he really fulfilling the campaign promise having coequal branch and having a transparent government. gregg: hold the thought. on the left-hand side of the screen, representative clay. we ll go back into the committee as it warrants. gretchen and juan will stick around. we ll squeeze in a quick break here but a fast-changing series of events on capitol hill and the white house as the president of the united states invokes executive privilege to protect documents of his attorney general. we ll be right back. i m a home in a high-risk flood area. it doesn t look risky. i mean, phil, does this look risky to you? nancy? fred? no. well it is. in a high-risk area, there s a 1-in-4 chance homes like us will flood. i m glad i got flood insurance. fred, you should look into it.