the month of august will bring a rare gift in the night sky, we will explain next. announcer: t this portioion f the cbs e evening newews iss sponsosored b by private e jan. as we wewere startining to a, it s like,e, well how w can wep our cocognitive ababilities? we saw p prevagen. i did readad the clininical sy and wewent ahead and gaveve it a try.y. i feel t that prevagagen is heg meme with overerall clarity anand as a phaharmacist, i ve rececommended i it to, not ononly just cucustomers, but alalso to frieiends and fay as a s safe producuct to tr. prevevagen. at s stores everee without a a prescriptition. (ambience e of room, c cric, scrorolling contntent on phoh) theyey re off frfrom sch, but not t really homome. images andnd videos. sosocial mediaia, fine-tuneded to suck t them . anand steal ththem away. alone yoyou can t ststop i.