"If you will it, it is no dream" wrote the founder of political Zionism Theodor Herzl in 1902, prophesizing the creation of a utopian Jewish state. One hundred years later, some of the harshest critics of Israel's occupation policies are Israelis themselves # a small minority of intellectuals, political activists and artists whose voices are rarely heard outside Israel. Shortly before the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian War in March 2002, filmmakers Benny Brunner and Joseph Rochlitz traveled through the country and spoke to a number of them: Meir Shalev - one of Israel's best-known writers, Gideon Levy - columnist for Haaretz newspaper, Jessica Montell - Director of B'Tselem (Israeli Human Rights Center), Yehudit Katzir # writer, Yizhar Be'er # Director of the Israeli Center for Democracy, Adi Ophir # Professor of Philosophy at Tel Aviv University, Noa Levy # leader of the High School students "refusal-to-serve" movement and Yitzhak La'
New report traces spike in use of fentanyl and similar drugs; experts attribute abuse and addiction to overprescription, lack of understanding, and health system problems
People suffering from PTSD are four times more likely to also develop some kind of dependency, mainly because certain behaviors or substances block out everything else, experts explain