ground incursion, which would have finished them off. the only reason we didn t do it was as a gesture to the united states, to president obama and to the egyptian president, to give peace a chance. we will give it a chance. but if the one rocket is fired at an israeli village or city, we will not stand still, i promise you. ambassador, where does israel stand? i heard what you just said. those are strong words. i think that everyone understands prime minister netanyahu s stance there. but where does israel extend the hand of diplomacy, where does israel stand firm? also, as woe are focusing on iran, should isisrael should israel be careful not to take its eye off of hamas? well, israel extends its hand
is not just an academic one. if iran gains nuclear weapons israel faces the potential of being destroyed and right now i have to say to you that it is very important for all americans to do everything they possibly can to make sure when we elect leaders this fall we elect leaders that will stand with israel and not let israel stand alone. shannon: how you do you you respond to those who say that some of the rhetoric that has come from the foreign minister benjamin netanyahu they refer to it as background noise or accuse him of trying to play into the u.s. presidential political election coming up? well, i think everything that benjamin netanyahu has said has been for the sake of trying to protect the national security of israel and for somehow him to be considered background noise by the president of the united states is a disgrace that beggars my ability to articulate. israel is the most vital and most important ally that america has in the entire world and i just am astonished th
president obama was taking a lot of criticism for not being hawkish enough in iran, especially in israel, trying to make it clear that the united states and israel stand together. the united states of america stands with the state of israel because it is in our fundamental national security interests to stand with israel. it makes us both stronger. it makes us both more prosperous. and it makes the world a better place. reporter: and this has been a lot about imagery on this trip. one of the images today was president obama and prime minister netanyahu touring the iron dome missile defense system as pointed to by president obama to show his support to israel. 300 million went to fund this, an improvement in the last gaza war and president obama points to that as his support for israel. he has a battle selling himself in israel, only 10% of