Israeli Banks Began Blocking Accounts of Jewish Settlers in Compliance With the Biden Administration's Sanctions on Four Israeli Settlers Due to Attacks on Palestinians. Who Are They and What Are the Possible Ramifications for the Future?
An IDF Spokesperson Said That the Drill Was Part of a Large-scale Exercise to Improve the Readiness of the West Bank Division. He Added That 'Over 100 Different Scenarios Were Drilled, Including Extreme Scenarios'
U.S. President Joe Biden Once Again Proved His Deep Commitment to Israel and to American Interests in the Region When He Decided to Also Protect the Former From
According to the Indictment, Aviya Abayof, 23, of the West Bank Settlement Ma'aleh Adumim, Was Playing With a Friend's Firearm When He Inadvertently Shot Another Friend. The Gun Owner Obtained His License After National Security Minister Ben-Gvir Expedited the Authorization Process
Under the Cover of War, Backed by Israel's Army and Police, Settler Violence Targeting Palestinian Shepherding Communities Is Surging. These Israeli Activists Are Putting Themselves in Harm's Way to Protect Them