2 things 1st the place where these grapes are thrown the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth gathered the vine of the earth and cast it into the great wine press of the wrath of God the wine press was tried without the city or outside the city and blood came out of the wine press even unto the horse bridles by the space of a 1600 furlongs that is really awesome 1st the plates the wine press of the wrath of God is outside the city is not in the city of Jerusalem where was the Valley of Joshua fat right outside the city that could very well be what is being pictured we do know over in Revelation 19 Look at verse 15 it says out of his mouth go with a sharp sword this is when the Lord returns and at the end of the tribulation that with that he should smite the what the nations say or talk in the final vengeance of God against the nations he show rule them with a rod of iron and he treaded here it is the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God who is doing the stomping
One time if you miss any law you ve not measured up to the standards of God Now the same principle is still in existence today you have very religious and pious people who are devoted to their churches you have very religious and pious people who are devoted to their laws and then you have heathen sinners who could care less about religious law at all but here s the point neither of these groups are made right with a holy God by their works because we are all up against God s righteousness and we all fall short of it. There was an old preacher a number of years ago named Donald Gray barn house who used to use this illustration. He said if we were to take people and put them in a big swimming pool and say Now when I shoot this gun they use women as fast as you can into the other side of the pool he said some without swim others and some would get there 1st the better swimmers with obviously win that race but he said if we took all of humanity and dumped them in the middle of the Atlant