Türkiye yi Şampiyonlar Ligi nde temsil edecek tek takım olan Beşiktaş, kasasına önemli bir gelir koyacak. Siyah-beyazlılar, 15 milyon Euro ayakbastı parasının yanında yaklaşık 20 milyon Euro da yayın-reklam geliri elde edecek.
earning a good paycheck but also looking at the fact that you don t have to sacrifice good economic opportunities for environmental protection. so we re really excited about the potential of this program. we look forward to seeing more details on the where, but some of the specific areas. but i do want you to get you on the u.n. climate we saw this week. you tweeted the scientists are united in their voices to tell us that climate change is not optional, it is essential. do you believe this bipartisan infrastructure bill goes far enough to address your top environmental concerns? you know, i believe that the bipartisan infrastructure deal is a really good start. i think when we look at what the president has included for reconciliation in terms of a clean energy standard, tax incentives for businesses, for electric vehicles, clean nur opportunities, tools that every agency has in its tool box to