about that. melissa: i look at all of this through the lens of market forces and to me the solution is to force the colleges to absorb this student debt problem, they are the ones that by definition have sold out agree to a student that isn t worth without student paid for it because they can get a job to pay it back. it s not the taxpayer and it s not the kids, frankly, in a lot of cases they were sold something for too high a price that wasn t worth it. the colleges would get themselves in shape if they had to absorb this loss. dagen: the great lie that s been sold to several generations of young people, that some of these are college degrees are worth literally a quarter of a million dollars and part of the problem is the government intervention in student lending, this wide open available credit, the money has gone to raising tuition at the college level. the colleges had you financial
many ways, eric.it i think to vivian s point, there s two things, right? there s political pressure but w there s a proceeding, a constitutional proceeding that s happening. it is getting depositions right now.ri folks are coming to capitol hill in defiance of being told not to.no the presence of that, the impeachment vote. another article of impeachment on doral possibly loomed large in their calculation, and that s new, right, eric? yeah. what we heard over the weekend was other republicans saying to the president either through an mick mulvaney or directly when he was calling in at camp davidc this was essentially like an unforced error and that we don t need this and it just isn t worth carrying this additional burden. and i don t think that the doral situation was going to at necessarily be the factor that decided what s going to happen, you know, in the senate for s example. but i think that it just was an unnecessary the president t likes diversion.si this was a diversion t
i think to vivian s point, there s two things, right? there s political pressure but there s a proceeding, a constitutional proceeding that s happening. it is getting depositions right now. folks are coming to capitol hill in defines of beiiance of being to. the presence of that, the impeachment vote. another article of impeachment on doral possibly loomed large in their calculation, and that s new, right, eric? yeah. what we heard over the weekend was other republicans saying to the president either through mick mulvaney or directly when he was calling in at camp david this was essentially like an unforced error and that we don t need this and it just isn t worth carrying this additional burden. and i don t think that the doral situation was going to necessarily be the factor that decided what s going to happen, you know, in the senate for example. but i think that it just was an unnecessary the president likes diversion. this was a diversion that was hurting and it was making it
years, maybe the rest of his life in prison, and finally decides that donald trump isn t worth it? and that will require a good lawyer to get him across that threshold. joyce vance, sam stein, thank you both for joining us tonight. thanks, lawrence. really appreciate it. thank you. when we come back, ambassador wendy sherman, former undersecretary of state will join us to explain the death and destruction that donald trump has caused by abandoning our allies, the kurds. great friends. you just saved a bunch of money by switching your boat insurance to geico. it was easy. folks, can it get any better than this? is that what i think it is? that is an armada of tiny sushi boats. awesome! i forgot to pack lunch. you had one job. chopsticks wasabi and soy! comin in a little hot. it only gets better when you switch and save with geico.
that the white house and the department of justice worked together to sit on it, to cover it up. and that s particularly alarming because the two people prominently fingered in this complaint are the president of the united states and the attorney general. and we now know the man who was supposed to send it to congress instead went to the white house and the department of justice where those two individuals implicated by the complaint could kill it. do you see evidence, hard evidence of a coverup effort by the white house? well, that s the effect. the department of justice opinion saying that this is outside the jurisdiction of the inspector general isn t worth the paper it s written on. and today the director of national intelligence confirmed that he has authority over foreign interference in our elections. and saying he didn t was the basis for the justice department saying it was outside the jurisdiction of the ig. in other words, it was a transparent effort to keep a lid on th