iraq. why should we listen to you, why is it that you have not forfeited whatever authority you had along with everyone else who got this huge thing wrong? if you don t think you should listen to me, you shouldn t have me in the program. i want you to explain why i should listen to you. i m persuaded to listen to you on the substantive issue. or whether you should let me talk and turn down the volume when i do. we re all shaped by our formative experiences. especially foreign policy. matt s formative experience was the iraq war. i m a little older than matt. i have different formative experiences, i remember the gulf war, when all the experts were wrong in the opposite way. people were completely stunned
conscience, so we can point to this solution of bloodshed and misery that doesn t involve missiles. maybe there isn t a diplomatic solution. if there had been a political solution, lincoln would have loved to find it. history s verdict is at the side of the war defending bondage and evil had to be vanquished definitively, that may be the case here in syria, those of us who oppose military intervention, both for practical reasons and principle, need to have the moral courage to stare into the gaping mall of horror and say, ween cat make this situation better. we just can t. except that too is not quite right. there are things we can do, if our primary concern is alleviating the misery of the
amounts to war under the constitution, right? that s the limits on the president s current theory. here the resolution the administration put forward to congress the other day, saying, please authorize our use of force. it contained no time limits on the use of force. it said we can use force in syria, we can use force beyond syria. and it was an enormously broad resolution for the use of force. one that seems to contemplate a much broader action than something less than war, which is what their own constitutional theory requires. if it s a lesson, we ve seen this parsed out in these hearings. what we re doing isn t war in the classical sense. and to play devil s advocate on behalf of the white house, it seems to me there s a difference between a ground invasion in iraq president clinton for instance fired several missiles into north africa, during his presidency. season the there space in between war and military action? that s the theory that they
at the speed of this military success. almost all democrats in congress voted against the war. we had the 1990s, you had a very successful humanitarian intervention in the balkans, i think worked quite well. so i don t think you should overlearn the lessons of one particular episode or to assume all the people who got any one particular episode are wrong. what about the people who got it right. all the people who are wrong about the gulf war were on the left, i think to discount actually, wait a second. here actually i think is matt s point. that to me is what s so important here, the default posture, i think of the journalists, of policy maker of a citizen, is that war is horrible. and we should stay away from them, unless there is an absolutely overridingly compelling reason to do it. and that to me is that s why the burden of proof question
entanglement in a bloody, brutal civil war. third, there s a good chance an american military strike will make the situation worse as middle east scholar juan cole argues, the only hope there is of any kind of negotiated settlement in syria, is if both sides conclude they re stuck in a stalemate and grow weary of bloodshed. they ll act as a signal that rebels should keep fighting with the possible future intervention, get rid of whatever incentive they may have to go to the negotiating table. of course we should be honest leer. bashar al assad is a maniacal butcher and what he s done is unspeakable. many though certainly not all are jihadis that have threatened atrocities. i ve heard people talk about a diplomatic solution to this war. i get the nagging sense that s just a phrase those of us on the left use to aswathe our