been projecting from the beginning. but certainly they can t be happy with the number of sign-ups up to this moment s and the site still isn t up and running correctly. jon: yeah. job that, we re on the joan that, we ve got 11 days until december, and december s when all these people have to get signed up, right? that s when a lot of them have to sign up, and they have to pay something starting this the new year. first of all, it s really important to remember that the serious critics of obamacare never really spent much time, you know, saying, oh, the web site s going to be a disaster. everyone sort of assumed they would get the web site right since they had three years to do it, and so this is in ways has been an unforced error for the democrats. all of the criticisms that people have made about the rest of obamacare still have plenty of time to kick in and are already kicking in. you know, people are losing their plans which the critics
their concern. i don t think that s a fair assessment of me personally. i m simply asking you, you re absolutely right, context is everything, but i, the media, did not create these problems. no, i just don t think there has been enough context with respect to all the people who are enjoying a transformation in terms of their health care. what about all the people who have not been able to because the website is not working? what about those people? listen, i m in the denying that s an issue here. it s unacceptable the website isn t up and running. again, context is important. in massachusetts when they went through their health care implementation, only 0.3% of people signed up in the first month. and we re looking at 1.3. an improvement over massachusetts. absolutely right. i think people take their time to sign up. it is unacceptable that the website isn t working. we made that clear in our lunch today with dennis mcdonough. but the perspective is important on that issue a
president. they are nervous because the political firestorm that is raging around his health care law that we talked about in the a block is going to cost them possibly their seats in next year s midterm elections. charles crow hammer doesn t think they re going to be able to escape the rollout disaster though. here s him. the president now is toxic. the thing is called obama care. there s no running away from it. it s got his name on it. you see the president and you think about the policy and you know it s a disaster. the problem for the democrats is they are hostage to a bunch of geeks working right now late into the night trying to fix a system which is not just the glitches we re talking about, the architecture, the underlying structure of it is wrong. if it isn t up and running, they re going to start postponements and the whole thing unravels. i was in new orleans. senator landrieu has a very tough race. she didn t actually join the president at his speech today,
president. they are nervous because the political firestorm that is raging around his health care law that we talked about in the a block is going to cost them possibly their seats in next year s midterm elections. charles crow hammer doesn t think they re going to be able to escape the rollout disaster though. here s him. the president now is toxic. the thing is called obama care. there s no running away from it. it s got his name on it. you see the president and you think about the policy and you know it s a disaster. the problem for the democrats is they are hostage to a bunch of geeks working right now late into the night trying to fix a system which is not just the glitches we re talking about, the architecture, the underlying structure of it is wrong. if it isn t up and running, they re going to start postponements and the whole thing unravels. i was in new orleans. senator landrieu has a very tough race. she didn t actually join the president at his speech today,
late into the night trying to fix a system that s not just glitches. the architecture, underlying structure is wrong. i think the likelihood of it being fixed and working like any commercial private website normally by december 1 is pretty small. the pressure on the white house will become irresistible. if it isn t up and running smoothly and perfectly, they re going to start postponements then the whole thing starts to unravel. take a listen to another sound bite from the nbc interview with the president. i regret very much that what we intended to do which is to make sure that everybody is moving into better plans because they want them as opposed because they re forced into it. that we weren t as clear as we needed to be in terms of changes that were taking place. i want to do everything we can