praying. it is a church, and it doesn t react in a 24-hour news cycle. it s one of the things that i think americans in particular find frustrating, because if there s a problem, it s like, boom, you do something about it and address it. vatican doesn t work that way. i think all eyes will be on the pope tomorrow when he delivers what is called the city and world address that he does during easter mass. in the past, he has used that to address global issues such as the war in iraq. we will see if he mentions the clergy sex abuse scandal tomorrow during that service. all right, anne thompson for us in rome, thank you so much. a man near philadelphia held up two convenience stores with a very unusual weapon. a hypodermic needle that he said contained hiv. his first robbery attempt yesterday failed when the cashier wouldn t cooperate. sew just headed across the street and left with an undetermined amount of cash. the stick-ups are similar to
friday. what he said during that certainlien is he was talking about the attacks on the pope over the clergy sex abuse scandal, and he compared those attacks to the collective violence against jews. well, almost immediately after that service was done, the vatican started backing way off of it and in fact, today the vatican spokesperson, father lombardi, went on camera, which is highly unusual for him. he want on camera to talk about the remarks and say, look, this isn t the pope s thinking, it isn t the vatican s thinking, because the remarks have triggered a very strong reaction around the world particularly from jewish leaders who say this was just a completely inappropriate comparison. now if that wasn t bad enough, the archbishop of canterbury, who is the leader of the anglican church, told the bbc in an interview that s to be broadcast on monday, that the
catholic church has lost all credibility in ireland where there is a clergy sex abuse scandal which has claimed two bishops so far and three more have agreed to resign. it is a vatican in a mess going into easter sunday. a lot coming out of the vatican but not necessarily what folks want to hear. they want to hear the vatican take a stand and say it is not okay, if these allegations are true, to molest children and when, if ever, will the vatican sort of come out and make a statement that frankly bishops if the united states have been saying should be done for a long time. reporter: well, the bishops in the united states were forced to implement a zero tolerance policy by its own priest sexual abuse scandal that really made headlines day after day after day in the year 2002. the vatican moves on its own schedule. it is not a political organization. it s not a multi-national corps