out about impeachment, something that both biden and warren have had to answer to on the field. at this point the bigger national scandal isn t the president s law-breaking behavior, it is the democratic party s refusal to impeach him for it. and it goes on a little bit longer here, we have the rest of this tweet: it s one thing for a sitting president to break the law, it s another to let the integrity of our democracy. it s desperate penned when we threatened when we do nothing about it. dom, to you again, the president s supporters always love this fight when it happens. absolutely. and nancy employees city pelosi has shown her acumen, in my mind, that she is trying to slow down this talk. she s been successful so far to. you don t even see nadler in that community really moving on impeachment, they don t want to call it that. aoc seems a little bit out of the news and this seems to me another attempt to try to get
administration. you know, i have the honor of serving on the oversight committee with row under the chairmanship of elijah cummings, truly a fabulous man with great integrity and leadership. we have been stymied relentlessly by this administration in every effort to interview witnesses and receive documents. we re accustomed to administrations slow-walking information. but this is the first time we ve ever seen an administration completely stonewall our constitutionally valid request for witnesses and information. let me put up on this screen a treat from your colleague alexandria ocasio-cortez. and she is saying that at this point the bigger national security scandal isn t the president s law-break behavior. it is the democratic party s refusal to impeach him for it. do you believe that the democratic party members of congress speaker pelosi and others have been slow to take what others have alleged in terms of illegal wrongdoings by this president seriously to the
i have no problem talking about this because it is dangerous. i don t think this is trivial. but imagine if you re like, you know, the first responder in, you know, south carolina, and you have a republican governor who has to cater to trump. that is trickling down to the operational level in ways i ve seen before in other disasters. and so just to think like this is not like some theoretical, oh, isn t the president wacky. this is literally impacting the first responders and, of course, the community that needs to believe the first responders and the incident command to evacuate, to stay put, or whatever else it is. well, we had monica medina, a noaa official in the obama administration and also the general counsel under the clinton administration basically saying the same thing you re saying, juliette, that this is important. it s important for forecasting. it s important for the emergency officials, and it s also important for the people who are watching who may think they re in t
there s reason at least we the portion of the country that is inclined to trust him to believe he has some power as a salesman. there are people who could be looking at a 2008 style economic crash which nobody is currently anticipating and say this isn t the president s fault. things are better than they appear to be. but for most of the country which are not inclined to believe the president, this zigzagging confirms what they believe about him. that he doesn t talk straight to the country, the fact that he puts out there cannot be trusted. when you re looking at this sort of hodgepodge of fanciful ideas for how they might try to forestall a recession, it s hard to take issue with that idea. there really is no prospect of the democrats in the house of representatives coming to the president s rescue by validating a bunch of ideas that he and larry kudlow came up with sort of in the last couple days, right? that s just not going to happen. especially like a corporate tax cut rate.
privately republicans on the hill will say if we had presidential leadership on this publicly, we could get behind some of these measures. why isn t the president acting now on any of these potential things beyond i know he s expressed support for red flag laws. but why not for closing background check loopholes orbaning high-capacity magazines? why isn t he doing that now? the first thing i would point out is that the president signed a law in 2018 to fix the background check system and he s also expressed a willingness to include more information. but the step of universal background checks. that s the different here as you well know. and the president tweeted yesterday about the possibility of background checks, but joining that to immigration legislation. but in his public comments he backed off that and i wonder why that is. well, and what i would also point out, one of the reports on cnn had indicated the background checks or universed background checks would not have sto