charges claiming the man shoved the kids, by the way, who were 8 and 10 years old, grabbed them by the neck and threatened them with the hammer. he said he was trying to detain the children, they re between 8 and 10, for police. this is a tough one. chris, your opinion? i was ready to huff and puff, this is political correctness gone crazy. you killed me with the 8 and 10-year-old fact. that s the point. you come home the kids have broken in your home, if that s what happened, if the kids broke into his home he has every right to manhandle them and get them into a situation where the authorities can come. yes they re kids, it would be different if they were teenagers but for the parents to get upset, they should be upset with themselves, why were their kids been in the house? the kids were on atvs in the neighborhood causing problems, they d been asked to stay away so this isn t the if, time they ve had a run-in. this is something he s been dealing with in the community.