thrown his weight around properly and emphatically to produce compressed schedule to try to produce certain results, yet they allow the rules of a broadcast entity to in a sense hijack the purpose of what they re doing. they don t want to have to make those decisions themselves. they say we have to be hands off. we can t do that. this isn t our why should the republican national committee take hands off approach to the republican party s internal workings? i don t get it. paraphrase, how many divisions does rheince command? zero. not true. he could order them off the stage? he could say we re going to cancel that debate. we ll have eight others. i m not sure any of the republican candidates would leave that. it wouldn t work august 6th. let s put thought way, george. next up, the president pushes a filibuster on iran. ooñóokñ.??????ó
have a civilian person controlling it. and on the domestic side you know, our mayor isn t our police chief. our mayor hires and fires our police chiefs. and so i m wondering, how chilled should we feel about this tension? is this a kind of healthy democratic tension that we re seeing in new york or should we feel a sense of chill when police officers turn their back on elected officials who are meant to be their managers? well it will be interesting to see what happens today. but i do want to say when you look at the diversity of the new york police force with something like 28% african-american 24 26% latino 6% asian, how did it get to be so diverse? i think part of it is because of the mass protests of previous decades. for example, after the killing of amado dialo, after the abuse of of the abner luimoh
sake of pales. that really embodied his leadership. sean, take us back. i think for people who didn t live through and don t remember the political debate we outlined there, that took place in this country in sort of the reagan years ago how did that idea of nelson mandela is this, maybe he deserves to be in jail? maybe apartheid is more complicated than we think it is? maybe this isn t our fight? how prevalent was that. how did that view take hold among the american political class? i think what people forget is that american involve him was quite deep. ibm, ford company, coca-cola, kodak. so it was okay to do business in south africa. it was fine. linden johnson said he was one with the african regime. it was only nixon the same, it was only jimmy carter who said the united states is a different kind of engage. with countries like south africa, angola, et cetera.
gauge or the gdp gauge, the metrics are outdated and we should improve them. you ve brought a gauge where we can pretend gdp is this and inflation is that and see what we might do. it s like a present. show and tell. maybe grandpa, the psychic right, dylan. we put together a calculator. this isn t our we, reuters? we, reuters, breaking views, my colleague, richard biels, a real whiz kid. he used a yale university professor, he s got a formula that says you can predict the winner of a presidential race, using a couple of simple economic variables. we simplified that even further. so what you can do is enter in basically three things. you can enter in gdp growth. that s personal income, but we use gdp growth per capita, and you can look at it whether it s 2%, 3%, 5%, at 2.5%, it s the
metrics are outdated and we should improve them. you ve brought a gauge where we can pretend gdp is this and inflation is that and see what we might do. it s like a present. show and tell. maybe grandpa, the psychic right, dylan. we put together a calculator. this isn t our we, reuters? we, reuters, breaking views, my colleague, richard biels, a real whiz kid. he used a yale university professor, he s got a formula that says you can predict the winner of a presidential race, using a couple of simple economic variables. we simplified that even further. so what you can do is enter in basically three things. you can enter in gdp growth. that s personal income, but we use gdp growth per capita, and you can look at it whether it s 2%, 3%, 5%, at 2.5%, it s the number we re using. that s sort of what people are