inflammatory social media posts, filing a false report, and being insubordinate to supervisors. after the trump mob stormed the capitol and injured about 140 officers, he said it was, quote, not the level of violence we saw across many parts of the country this past summer during the black lives matter protests. i didn t see anybody literally throwing frozen bottles, bricks, or shooting fireworks at the police. they were simply trying to push past the police to get access to the building. now, that s not accurate, as you can all see. he later apologized for that. and now he s facing off against chicago mayor lori lightfoot over her requirement that all city employees either get vaccinated or test twice a week until the end of the year when they will all have to be vaccinated. in response he said, i m quoting here, we re in america, goddamn it, we don t want to be forced to do anything, period, this isn t nazi f-ing germany, step into the f-ing showers, the pills one hurt you, what